2015-11-22 Interview At Plug And Play


Hello research revolutionists, even though we don’t have much to update on, I am writing to you as promised.

Last week we had an interview at Plug and Play. This place is awesome. We had actually been to their Sunnyvale location once before, having attended one of DevNetwork’s hackathons. This time we met one of their recruiters who is interested in our project. Unfortunately, he didn’t see the larger vision - he continued trying to associate what we are doing with reference managers and allured to the possibility of selling our user’s data and research. We walked out of there, confirmed that guy has no idea what we’re doing, and agreed that it sucks for him to lose out on a massive opportunity - we moved on with our lives.

Since then, I have been spending way too much time on our NSF SBIR grant proposal (I would love some tips or feedback if anyone has written one before). Yonggan is programming away like the beast he is, imagine Linus Torvalds and Donald Knuth had a lovechild, that was Asian (excuse the inherently graphic nature). Anyway, he’s good.

That’s about it, this week we are all hands on deck for the proposal, and all fingers on turkey for Thanksgiving!


Corbin Chase

Last updated

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